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Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Preprint:"Quantum cluster algebra structures on quantum Grassmannians and their quantum Schubert cells: the finite-type cases" (arXiv:0912.4397)

A preprint of the paper "Quantum cluster algebra structures on quantum Grassmannians and their quantum Schubert cells: the finite-type cases", by myself and Stéphane Launois, is now available on the arXiv via the above link. The abstract for this paper is as follows:
We exhibit quantum cluster algebra structures on quantum Grassmannians Kq[Gr(2,n)] and their quantum Schubert cells, as well as on Kq[Gr(3,6)], Kq[Gr(3,7)] and Kq[Gr(3,8)]. These cases are precisely those where the quantum cluster algebra is of finite type and the structures we describe quantize those found by Scott for the classical situation.

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